Monday, July 11, 2016

History and Evidence for Water Birth - My Story

Water Birth / Hydrotherapy 
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Why Choose a Water Birth?                                                                                                                                                                     
When I encounter a woman who expresses a desire to have a natural childbirth my first goal is to help her formulate a plan that will help her relax. One of the most effective methods of child birth relaxation involves hydrotherapy.
Hydrotherapy, better known as water birth or using water to provide pain relief and relaxation, has been used by laboring women for years.

In 1805, an account of the first water birth research was published in a French journal but it wasn’t until 1967 that the first U.S. water birth was documented and water immersion during labor became popular. The water birth movement in the U.S. continued to increase between 1983 and 1995 with France leading out in the pain reducing movement. However, in 2004 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration notified Water Birth International that they needed to file a request for portable birth pools to be classified as medical devices. Eventually, controversy over the safety of water birth lead to clinical trials. In the late 2000’s and early 2010’s researchers began recording thousands of water births reporting zero drownings or near drownings of newborns. These studies concluded some benefits for mothers and even some benefits for the newborns. However, these trials eventually were recorded to be inconclusive due to miss conducted trials reporting.                     Hang with me, I know that is a lot of statistical junk!Image result for images of water birth

 For many women the use of water during labor is a technique and tool that not only minimizes their exposure to I.V. drugs and epidural in labor, but can act as a non-pharma-cologic pain relief. The researchers found that in women giving birth for the first time:

+During early labor (1-3 cm), women choosing land births in bed reported more pain than those choosing water births.

+During pushing, women choosing water births reported higher levels of pain compared to women who had land births in bed.

+After the birth, women who had water births recalled a lower level of pain than those who had land births in bed.

+There were no other differences between groups with expected levels of pain, late first stage pain levels, or levels of pain in the second stage before pushing began.

It has also been found that women whom where immersed into water had higher rates of spontaneous vaginal births compared to women who gave birth on land. There has also been evidence sighting a 20% decrease in C-section through water immersion. Researchers found a decrease in episiotomies performed on immersed women thus finding more intact perineum rates.

Hydrotherapy can be used in the form of a warm spray from a shower head directed to the pelvic front or lower back, relieving the stretching sensation of the ligaments before and during labor. When choosing immersion the water temperature should maintain an 88*F- 100*F to be safest for mother and baby and to alleviate pain.
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My Water Birth Story 
In 2008, I had an opportunity to do a little study of my own regarding water birth. I was pregnant for the twelfth time and had never given birth in water. I had given birth in many different settings from a Naval Hospital in HI. to standing in my own bedroom. All of my babies had been born naturally and I planned to have this one naturally as well.  Over the years I had heard of water birth and had stood in the shower during labor. Many of the stories I had read on water birth planted fear in me; after all, babies could drown in a pool of water, right?   I had used the tub during every stage of my pregnancy to relieve morning sickness chills and aches and pains but, the idea of my newborn emerging into a tub full of water kind of terrified me. A good friend of mine shared her experience with water birth and my midwife educated me further in the safety of a birth in water. During this pregnancy I learned that when the water temperature is kept at about 100*F a baby will not take a breath until pulled to the water surface.  So, after researching away my fears, I decided to give birth in my bedroom in a large horse trough intended for birth that my midwife loaned me. I found the entire experience to be such a peaceful one. I had a large 9 lb. 3 oz boy who was 23 3/4 Inches with minimal pain. I did not tear a bit and felt so calm and relaxed through the whole labor. My little boy was born alert, looking me straight in the eyes from his warm tub of water without a cry. The first thing I said to everyone in the room was, “Why didn’t I do that sooner!
Based on history, clinical studies and my own awe inspiring experience with water birth, I highly recommend this option for birth relaxation and pain relief
Happy Birthing! Lesley

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Essential Oils For Indigestion and Vomiting in Pregnancy

Although there has been some controversy concerning the use of essential  oils during pregnancy, the use of pure, organic (CPTG) oils

 are not only very beneficial, but safe as well.

For the common ailment indigestion, a drop of the oil blend called DigestZen on the tummy and in the mouth sends an immediate  response  of ease. This blend of oils contains soothing Fennel, peppermint, ginger and other oils. It is a wonderful tool for babies and children as well. I use a drop on the tummy for colic, upset tummy and constipation.
For vomiting during those first months the smell and application of Patchouli to pressure  points in the neck can bring relief.
To get these oils at 25% off click the Join button  and enjoy the wholesale pricing for a year.

 I recommended  this wonderful  book and guide for more ideas and recipes.
Essential oils are natures medicine cabinet.  They are quickly absorbed and assimilated for rapid relief. They are 70% more potent then herbs so a little goes a long way!
For Green Cleaning Safely view my blog:

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Essential Oils and Pregnancy and Labor

As a mom it is important to me that I use the  purest, safest remedies for myself and my family.

Natural health care and clean eating has been a journey and a process. I recall a point in my life that I felt frustrated with the care I and my family were receiving but also felt helpless as to how to change what we were doing. Everyone was saying, "buy organic, avoid antibiotics, you are what your eat, more vegetables, Please!" While they were all correct, I could not find an easy way to change our lifestyle. It overwhelmed me! Like a foreign language.
What I have learned is that change is important and a little change builds more and soon you find that your goals are being met. Don't look at the entire task of change, but at the little change you can make today.
One little change that I made two years ago, was to learn more about the role of essential oil in my families health care. I had been healing with herbs successfully for many years, but those strange bottles of oils fascinated me. Why would you use an oil instead of the whole herb plant and how in the world would they work? I had dabbled in essential oils throughout my numerous pregnancies, and found them delightful for morning sickness, which I had to the extreme. I did not realize, however, that essential oils are up to 70 times more potent then the herb. That one drop of peppermint is equal to 28 cups of peppermint tea. !! These ideas fascinated me so I bought a kit. I began attending classes on essential oils and found out that doTerra essential oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) oils. This means that they are tested six ways for highest quality. They are unaltered and have no additives, this makes them better then organic. They are so pure that some of the oils used for internal health can be ingested. Amazing!
So, began my journey in becoming an advocate and teacher for doTerra essential oils.

But...Are Essential Oils Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes they are! However, only CPTG oils are recommended during pregnancy.I would not recommend any other brand in the same way. I would be cautious in using other brands in Pregnancy. I will be sharing all about which essential oils are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding in the weeks ahead.

 During the first Trimester

As I mentioned before I suffer from severe morning sickness...all day long sickness!
I found that eating more protein at night helped my mornings to go better. I would have a snack on my night stand for those midnight potty runs. I would force down a few peanut butter crackers or a few almonds and then quickly lay down to sleep. It's all about giving your body the protein it needs. Before I would fall into that viscous cycle of being sick and not eating, falling behind on proteins which creates low blood sugar and more extreme nausea. If you can stay ahead to begin with by eating at least 20 grams of protein before bed, you are going to notice a difference.The key is to eat enough. Have your partner make it his job to provide you with a consistent plate of food that is healthy and high in protein!  I found the essential oils Lavender and Peppermint helped me keep down my food and to be able to eat a little more despite my nausea.

I also found the following oils helpful when mixed with fractionate coconut oil and applied to my stomach. These help keep the nausea down.

Lavender, Sandalwood, and Ginger mixed in equal amounts with a carrier oil. 

A drop of peppermint in my mouth helped settle my stomach so much and is a lifesaver when you are experiencing heartburn!
 Disclaimer: My recommendations are based on my experiences with these oils. I urge any person interested in using essential oils to use common sense and trust your intuition. I can give a recommendation but your are the one who has stewardship over your own body and your baby. I am not a Dr. I am a mother who has used these oils successfully and who believes in their safety. 

You can purchase doTerras oils retail at or ...
By enrolling and getting a one year membership for $35 you can receive your oils at wholesale price. By setting up a monthly order of 50 PV or more, you can accumulate points to use as cash for 
ordering more oils.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming an wellness advocate, like myself, email me at

Labor Support Blend;

Diffuse Balance Blend and wild orange, which you can apply topically to the bottoms of your feet, your ears and back or the neck. I like to mix these in a roller bottle for my clients to pull out during labor.
More Essential Oil pregnancy ideas to come!

What is a Birth Doula ? .....why you might need one!

A birth doula is a trained labor coach who assists you during labor and delivery. She provides you with continuous emotional support, as well as assistance with other non-medical aspects of your care. That is me! After 25 years of pregnancy and breastfeeding, I am now ready to share what I have learned with all of you and assist you  

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The word "doula" comes from the ancient Greek meaning "a woman who serves" and is now used to refer to a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth; or who provides emotional and practical support during the postpartum period.
Studies have shown that when doulas attend birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily.

In 1985 I gave birth to my first child, a son, in a military hospital in HI. Tripler Army Medical Center. I was 18 yrs old, healthy, and had a small 7 lb. baby. Thankful, my Mom was there to coach me since my husband had left 2 wks. before on a West Pac. (6 months in the I.O.) My labor was un medicated, however, when my son was ready to be born I was subjected to a routine episiotomy and forceps with my feet in stirrups. After my son arrived, he was whisked away by a nurse and not returned to me for 7 hours. I had written a birth plan but it was not followed. My baby was to be breastfeed at birth but, was not even given to me to hold.  I am certain that the people running the maternity ward viewed birth as a medical condition. Birth, in fact, is not a medical condition. Birth is a super natural power that a woman's body was created to embrace. With a little education and a lot of determination, we can change the way birth is viewed today.
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A Doula is a woman who can help you create the birth you envision and help set you on the course of accomplishing your dream. 


  • Recognizes birth as a key experience the mother will remember all her life
  • Understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labor
  • Assists the woman in preparing for and carrying out her plans for birth
  • Stays with the woman throughout the labor
  • Provides emotional support, physical comfort measures and an objective viewpoint, as well as helping the woman get the information she needs to make informed decisions
  • Facilitates communication between the laboring woman, her partner and her clinical care providers
  • Perceives her role as nurturing and protecting the
  • Allows the woman's partner to participate at his/her comfort level
  •  woman's memory of the birth experience